02 April 2013

This article will outline specifically how to use jekyll to build your blog, summary how to use git to manage source code.


ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Configure Jekyll

$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev    # Install Ruby
$ sudo gem install jekyll               # Install Jekyll
$ sudo apt-get install rake             # Install Rake

The Jekyll Application Base Format

Jekyll expects your website directory to be laid out like so:

|-- _config.yml                             # Stores configuration data.
|-- _includes                               # partial views
|-- _layouts                                # main templates
|   |-- default.html
|   |-- post.html
|-- _posts                                  # dynamic content/posts
|   |-- 2011-04-26-hello-world.md
|-- _site                                   # the generated site
|-- index.html
|-- assets                                  # not standard jekyll structure
    |-- css
        |-- style.css
    |-- javascripts

(read more: https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Usage)

Configure GitHub

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"
# Create a new ssh key (press Enter while need to type a passphrase)

$ sudo apt-get install xclip
# Install xclip

$ xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Copy the contents to clipboard, add to github account setting.

$ ssh -T git@github.com
# Showing 'Hi username!' means you've successfully authenticated.

(Read more: <https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys>)

$ sudo apt-get install git git-core git-gui git-doc
# Install git

$ git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
# Set the default name for git to use when you commit

$ git config --global user.email "your_email@example.com"
# Set the email associated with your GitHub account

$ git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
# Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds)

Create Jekyll Blog

1.Create a new repository named USERNAME.github.com

2.Install Jekyll-Bootstrap

$ git clone https://github.com/plusjade/jekyll-bootstrap.git USERNAME.github.com
$ cd USERNAME.github.com
$ git remote set-url origin git@github.com:USERNAME/USERNAME.github.com.git
$ git push origin master


Blog will be publicly available at http://USERNAME.github.com

$ git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/USERNAME.github.com.git
$ cd USERNAME.github.com
$ jekyll --server

See it in action at http://localhost:4000

4.Rake post & page

$ rake post title="Hello World"     # create a new post
$ rake page name="about.md"         # create a new page
$ rake page name="pages/about.md"   # create a new nested page
$ rake page name="pages/about"      # create a page: ./pages/about/index.html

5. Using Themes

$ rake theme:install git="https://github.com/jekyllbootstrap/theme-the-program.git" # Install Themes
$ rake theme:install name="THEME-NAME"  # Install Themes
$ rake theme:switch name="the-program"  # Switch Themes

6. Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language, originally created by John Gruber with substantial contributions from Aaron Swartz, allowing people “to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)”.


HTML headings are produced by placing a number of hashes before the header text corresponding to the level of heading desired, like so:
# First-level heading
#### Fourth-level heading


A paragraph is one or more consecutive lines of text separated by one or more blank lines.


* An item in a bulleted (unordered) list
    * A subitem, indented with 4 spaces
* Another item in a bulleted list

1. An item in an enumerated (ordered) list
    1.1 A subitem, indented with 4 spaces
2. Another item in an enumerated list

Emphasized text

*emphasis* or _emphasis_ (e.g., italics)

**strong emphasis** or __strong emphasis__ (e.g., boldface)


To include code (formatted in monospace font), you can either surround inline code with backticks(`), like in

Some text with `some code` inside,

or indent several lines of code by at least four spaces, as in:

line 1 of code
line 2 of code
line 3 of code

Line breaks

A. end a line with two or more spaces, then type return
B. use two newlines


> "This entire paragraph of text will be enclosed in an HTML blockquote element.
Blockquote elements are reflowable. You may arbitrarily
wrap the text to your liking, and it will all be parsed
into a single blockquote element."
[link text here](link.address.here)
Alternatively, links can be placed in footnotes outside of the paragraph, being refrenced with some sort of reference tag.
[link text here][linkref]
[linkref]: link.address.here "link title here"      # link reference


Images have similar syntax to links with a preceding exclamation point.

![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
Like links, images also have a footnote style syntax
![Alt text][id]
[id]: url/to/image "Optional title attribute"

Horizontal rules

Horizontal rules are created by placing three or more hyphens(-), asterisks(*), or underscores(_) on a line by themselves.

(Read more:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)

Two Special Characters

<   &lt;
&   &amp;


Markdown supports these symbols preceded by a backslash to help insert common symbols:

\   Backslash
`   Backticks
*   Asterisk
_   Underscore
{}  Braces
[]  Brackets
()  Brackets
#   Pound sign
+   Plus
-   Minus
.   English period
!   Exclamation

Github Release commands

$ git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/USERNAME.github.com.git # grap a complete copy
$ cd USERNAME.github.com        # locate to blog
$ git pull origin master        # fetch remote origin and merge it into local master
$ git status                    # see the state of the project
$ git add .                     # add unexisting files into remote
$ git commit * -m "add comment" # add a comment
$ git push origin master        # update to remote

(Read more: https://help.github.com/articles/fetching-a-remote)

git clone URL                           # grab a complete copy of user's repository
git://github.com/user/repo.git          # a read-only URL
https://github.com/user/repo.git        # an HTTPS write-able URL
git@github.com:user/repo.git            # a private SSH URL
https://user@github.com/user/repo.git   # a private HTTPS URL

git pull <REMOTENAME> <BRANCHNAME>      # fetch a specific branch and merge it into current local branch.

Q & A

1.gem install jekyll error

ERROR: Loading command:install(LoadError)
no such file to load -- zlib


Download ruby source code and install zlib package.

$ tar -zxvf ruby1.9.1_1.9.1.378.orig.tar.gz
$ cd ext/zlib
$ ruby ./extconf.rb
$ make
$ make install

For more details to see gem install error


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