16 August 2013


In software development, Git is a distributed version control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed. Initially designed and developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development, Git has since been adopted by many other projects.

Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server.

Git is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

Installation instructions

Windows 2000/XP/Win7

Unix-based Operating Systems(Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X)

$ sudo apt-get install git git-core git-gui git-doc     # Install git

Configuring git

Configuring ssh key

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"
# Create a new ssh key (press Enter while need to type a passphrase)

$ sudo apt-get install xclip
# Install xclip

$ xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Copy the contents to clipboard, add to github account setting.

$ ssh -T git@github.com
# Showing 'Hi username!' means you've successfully authenticated.

Set up git


$ git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
# Set the default name for git to use when you commit


$ git config --global user.email "your_email@example.com"
# Set the email associated with your GitHub account

Password caching

$ git config --global credential.helper cache
# Set git to use the credential memory cache

$ git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
# Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds)

Tip: You need git 1.7.10 or newer to use the credential helper

Common commands

$ git init
$ git clone

$ git add
$ git status
$ git diff
$ git commit
$ git reset
$ git rm, mv
$ git stash

$ git branch
$ git checkout
$ git merge
$ git log
$ git tag

$ git fetch, pull
$ git push
$ git remote

$ git log
$ git diff

Getting and Creating Projects

In order to do anything in Git, you have to have a Git repository. This is where Git stores the data for the snapshots you are saving.

There are two main ways to get a Git repository. One way is to simply initialize a new one from an existing directory, such as a new project or a project new to source control. The second way is to clone one from a public Git repository, as you would do if you wanted a copy or wanted to work with someone on a project. We will cover both of these here.

git init

Initializes a directory as a Git repository

$ mkdir cbay
$ cd cbay
$ git init      #initialized empty Git repository in cbay/.git/

In a nutshell, you use git init to make an existing directory of content into a new Git repository. You can do this in any directory at any time, completely locally.

git clone

Copy a git repository so you can add to it

$ git clone [url]

$ git cone git://github.com/szhang7/Hello-World.git

In a nutshell, you use git clone to get a local copy of a Git repository so you can look at it or start modifying it.

Basic Snapshotting

Git is all about composing and saving snapshots of your project and then working with and comparing those snapshots. This section will explain the commands needed to compose and commit snapshots of your project.

git add

Adds file contents to the staging area

$ git status -s

$ git add README

$ git status -s

$ vim README
$ git status -s

$ git add .
$ git add -A
#add changes from all tracked and untracked files

In a nutshell, you run git add on a file when you want to include whatever changes you’ve made to it in your next commit snapshot.

git status

View the status of your files in the working directory and staging area

$ git status -s
$ git status

In a nutshell, you run git status to see if anything has been modified and/or staged since your last commit so you can decide if you want to commit a new snapshot and what will be recorded in it.

git diff

Shows diff of what is staged and what is modified but unstaged

$ git diff              #show diff of unstaged changes
$ git diff --cached     #show diff of staged changes
$ git diff HEAD         #show diff of all staged or unstaged changes
$ git diff --stat       #show summary of changes instead of a full diff

In a nutshell, you run git diff to see details of the git status command - how files have been modified or staged on a line by line basis.

git commit

Records a snapshot of the staging area

$ git commit -a         #automatically stage all tracked, modified files before the commit
$ git commit -m 'changes to hello file'
$ git commit -am 'changes to hello file'

In a nutshell, you run git commit to record the snapshot of your staged content.

git reset

Undo changes and commits

$ git reset HEAD        #undo the last commit and unstage the files
$ git reset --soft      #undo the last commit
$ git reset --hard      #undo the last commit, unstage files and undo any changes in the working directory

In a nutshell, you run git reset HEAD to undo the last commit, unstage files that you previously ran git add on and wish to not include in the next commit snapshot.

git rm

Remove files from the staging area

$ git rm file           #remove the file from the staging area entirely and also of your disk
$ git rm file --cached  #remove the file from the staging area, but leave the file in the working directory.
$ git mv                #git rm --cached orig; mv orig new; git add new

In a nutshell, you run git rm to remove files from being tracked in Git. It will also remove them from your working directory.

git stash

Save changes made in the current index and working directory for later

$ git stash             #add current changes to the stack
$ git stash list        #view stashed currently on the stack
$ git stash apply       #grab the item from the stash list and apply to current working directory
$ git stash drop        #remove an item from the stash list

In a nutshell, run git stash to quickly save some changes that you’re not ready to commit or save, but want to come back to while you work on something else.

Branching and Merging

git branch

List, create and manage working contexts

$ git branch                        #list your available branches
$ git branch (branchname)           #create a new branch
$ git branch -v                     #see the last commit on each branch
$ git branch -d (branchname)        #delete a branch

In a nutshell, you use git branch to list your current branches, create new branches and delete unnecessary or already merged branches.

git checkout

Switch to a new branch context

$ git checkout -b (branchname)      #create and immediately switch to a branch
$ git checkout master               #switch to branch 'master'

$ git push (remote-name) :(branchname) #delete a branch
$ git push remote-name --delete branchname
# git push remote-name local-branch:remote-branch

git merge

Merge a branch context into your current one

simple merges
$ git branch removals
$ git checkout -b removals
$ git rm test.txt
$ git commit -am 'removed test.txt'
$ git checkout master
$ git merge removals            #merge master with branch removals
more complex merges
$ git branch change_class
$ git checkout -b change_class
$ vim hello.rb                  #modify hello.rb
$ git commit -am 'changed the class name'

$ git checkout master
$ git mv hello.rb ruby.rb       #rename hello.rb-->ruby.rb
$ vim ruby.rb                   #modify ruby.rb
$ git diff                      #diff --git a/ruby.rb b/ruby.rb
$ git commit -am 'added from ruby'
$ git merge change_class
merge conflicts
$ git branch fix_readme
$ git checkout -b fix_readme
$ vim README
$ git commit -am 'fixed readme title'

$ git checkout master
$ vim README
$ git commit -am 'fixed readme title differently'

$ git merge fix_readme
Auto-merging README
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

$ vim README        #here I'm fixing the conflict
$ git diff          #show you both sides of the conflict and how you've resolved it as shown here.

$ git status -s
$ git add README
$ git status 0s
$ git commit

In a nutshell, you use git merge to combine another branch context into your current branch.

git log

Show commit history of a branch

$ git log                       #we'll see all the commit messages that we've done.
$ git log --oneline             #see a more compact version of the same history.
$ git log --oneline --graph     #see when the history was branched and merged

$ git branch erlang
$ git checkout -b erlang
$ vim erlang_hw.erl
$ git add erlang_hw.erl
$ git commit -m 'added erlang'

$ vim haskell.hs
$ git add haskell.hs
$ git commit -m 'added haskell'

$ git checkout master
$ vim ruby.rb
$ git commit -am 'reverted to old class name'

$ git log --oneline erlang

# which commits are unique to a branch in comparison to another. 
$ git log --oneline erlang ^master
$ git log --oneline master ^erlang

If we are interested in merging in the 'erlang' branch we want to see what commits are going to effect our snapshot when we do that merge. The way we tell Git that is by putting a ^ in front of the branch that we don't want to see.Note that the Windows command-line treats ^ as a special character, in which case you'll need to surround ^master in quotes. 

In a nutshell, you use git log to list out the commit history or list of changes people have made that lead to the snapshot at the tip of the branch.

git tag

Tag a point in history as important

$ git tag -a v1.0
$ git log --oneline --decorate --graph

$ git tag -a v0.9 558151a
$ git log --oneline --decorate --graph

$ git fetch origin --tags                   #fetch all tags from a remote repository
$ git fetch <remote> tag <tag-name>         #want a single tag

$ git push <remote> --tags                  #push tags to a remote repository

In a nutshell, you use git tag to mark a commit or point in your repo as important.

Sharing and Updating Projects

Git doesn’t have a central server like Subversion. All of the commands so far have been done locally, just updating a local database. To collaborate with other developers in Git, you have to put all that data on a server that the other developers have access to. The way Git does this is to synchronize your data with another repository. There is no real difference between a server and a client - a Git repository is a Git repository and you can synchronize between any two easily.

git remote

List, add and delete remote repository aliases

$ git remote            #list your remote aliases
$ git remote -v         #see the actual URL for each alias

$ git remote add        #add a new remote repository of your project
#git remote add [alias] [url]

$ git remote rm         #remove an existing remote alias
#git remote rm [alias]

$ git remote rename [old-alias] [new-alias] #rename remote aliases
#git remote rename [old-alias] [new-alias]

$ git remote set-url        #update an existing remoete URL
$ git config remote.origin git://github.com/szhang7/HelloWorld.git

git fetch

Download new branches and data from a remote repository

$ git fetch [alias]         #synchronize you with another repo

In a nutshell, you run git fetch [alias] to synchronize your repository with a remote repository, fetching all the data it has that you do not into branch references locally for merging and whatnot.

git pull

Fetch from a remote repo and try to merge into the current branch

$ git pull
#run a [git fetch] immediately followed by a [git merge]

git push

Push your new branches and data to a remote repository

$ git push [alias] [branch]         #make your [branch] the new [branch] on the [alias]
$ git push github master            #push our 'master' branch to the new 'github' remote
$ git push github master
To git@github.com:schacon/hw.git
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:schacon/hw.git'

The solution:
$ git fetch github
$ git merge github/master
#and then pushing again

In a nutshell, you run git push [alias] [branch] to update a remote repository with the changes you’ve made locally.

Inspection and Comparison

In a nutshell you can use git log to find specific commits in your project history - by author, date, content or history. You can use git diff to compare two different points in your history - generally to see how two branches differ or what has changed from one version of your software to another.

git log

Filter your commit history

$ git log --author                  #look for only commits from a specific author
$ git log --author=Linus --oneline -5
#-[number] option will limit the results to the last [number] commits.

$ git log --since --before          #filter commits by date committed
$ git log --until --after
$ git log --oneline --before={3.weeks.ago} --after={2010-04-18} --no-merges
#--no-merges remove merge commits

$ git log --grep                    #filter commits by commit message
$ git log --grep=P4EDITOR --no-merges
#commit messages including P4EDITOR

$ git log --grep='p4 depo' --format="%h %an %s"
#use --format option, so we can see who the author of each commit was.

$ git log --grep="p4 depo" --format="%h %an %s" --author="Hausmann"
#show all commits by Simmon OR commits with "p4 depo" in the message.

$ git log --grep="p4 depo" --format="%h %an %s" --author="Hausmann" --all-match
#show all commits by Simon and commits with "p4 depo" in the message.

$ git log -S                    #filter by introduced diff
$ git log -Suserformat_find_requirements
#find which commits modified anything that looked like the function name 'userformat_find_requirements'

$ git log -p                    #show patch introduced at each commit
$ git log -p --no-merges -2
#tells Git to put the patch after each commit

$ git log --stat                #show diffstat of changes introduced at each commit
$ git log --stat --no-merges -2
#summarize the changes

git diff

See the absolute changes between any two commit snapshots

$ git diff [version]            #see what has changed since the last release
$ git diff v0.9
#see what has changed in our project since the v0.9 release

$ git diff v0.9 --stat
#summarize the changes

$ git diff --stat master erlang         #wrong way

$ git diff --stat 8d585ea erlang
$ git diff --stat master...erlang       #recommended strongly 
$ git diff --stat $(git merge-base master erlang) erlang
#see what is on the "erlang" branch compared to the "master" branch.

In a nutshell, you can use git diff to see how a project has changed since a known point in the past or to see what unique work is in one branch since it diverged from another. Always use git diff branchA...branchB to inspect branchB relative to branchA to make things easier.

git api思维导图




git commands

function gm(){
# main menu
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
time=`date +"%d%m%Y"`
echo -e "USER:$USER\tHOST:$HOSTNAME\tDATE:$time"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Getting and Creating Projects
echo -e "1.git init         -initializes a directory as a Git repository"
echo -e "2.git clone        -copy a git repository so you can add to it"
#Basic Snapshotting
echo -e "3.git status       -view the status of your files and staging area"
echo -e "4.git add          -adds file contents to the staging area"
echo -e "5.git commit       -records a snapshot of the staging area"
echo -e "6.git reset        -undo changes and commits"
echo -e "7.git rm           -remove files from the staging area"
echo -e "8.git stash        -save changes for later"
#Branching and Merging
echo -e "9.git branch       -list,create and manage working contexts"
echo -e "c.git checkout     -switch to a new branch context"
echo -e "m.git merge        -merge a branch context into your current one"
echo -e "t.git tag          -tag a point in history as important"
#Sharing and Updating Projects
echo -e "r.git remote       -list,add and delete remote repository aliases"
echo -e "f.git fetch,pull   -download new branches and data from a remote repo"
echo -e "p.git push         -fetch from a remote and try to merge into the current"
#Inspection and Comparison"
echo -e "l.git log          -filter your commit history"
echo -e "d.git diff        -show diff of what is staged and what is modified but unstaged"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -n "Your choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,c,m,t,l,d]:"
read -n1 choice
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
if [ "$choice" = "1" ]; then
    echo -e "1.git init"
    if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
        read -p "Please type a repository name:" PARAM
    if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
        if [ ! -d "$PARAM" ]; then
            mkdir "$PARAM"
        cd "$PARAM"
        git init
        cd ..
        git init
elif [ "$choice" = "2" ]; then
    echo -e "2.git clone"
    if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
        read -p "Please type URL:" PARAM
    if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
        git clone $PARAM
        echo -e "[ERROR] URL is required!"
elif [ "$choice" = "3" ]; then
    echo -e "3.git status"
    if [ "$PARAM" = "-s" ]; then
        git status -s
        git status
elif [ "$choice" = "4" ]; then
    echo -e "4.git add"
    git status -s
    if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
        read -p "Please type untracked files (. add all files):" PARAM
    if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
        git add $PARAM
        echo -e "[ERROR] file is required!"
elif [ "$choice" = "5" ]; then
    echo -e "5.git commit"
    git status -s
    if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
        read -p "Please type commit message:" PARAM
    if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
        #-a automatically stage all tracked, modified files before the commit
        git commit -am "$PARAM"
        echo -e "[ERROR] file is required!"
elif [ "$choice" = "6" ]; then
    echo -e "6.git reset"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    git status -s
    echo -e "1.git reset HEAD         -unstage files"
    echo -e "2.git reset --soft HEAD~ -undone the last commit"
    echo -e "3.git reset --hard HEAD  -undone the last commit, unstage files"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] undo the last commit and unstage the files"
        git reset HEAD
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] undo the last commit"
        git reset --soft HEAD~
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] undo the last commit, unstage files AND undo any changes in the working directory"
        git reset --hard HEAD
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
elif [ "$choice" = "7" ]; then
    echo -e "7.git rm"
    if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
        read -p "Please type files:" PARAM
    if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
        git rm "$PARAM"
        echo -e "[ERROR] file is required!"
elif [ "$choice" = "8" ]; then
    echo -e "8.git stash"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo -e "1.git stash        -add current changes to the stack"
    echo -e "2.git stash list   -view stashes currently on the stack"
    echo -e "3.git stash apply  -grab the item from the stash list and apply to current working directory"
    echo -e "4.git stash drop   -remove an item from the stash list"
    echo -e "5.git stash clear  -remove all of the stored items"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3,4,5]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] add current changes to the stack"
        git status -s
        git stash
        git status
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] view stashes currently on the stack"
        git stash list
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] grab the item from the stash list and apply to current working directory"
        git stash list
        git stash apply
    elif [ "$response" = "4" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] remove an item from the stash list"
        git stash list
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            read -p "Please type list:" PARAM
        if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
            git stash drop "$PARAM"
            #remove the last added stash item.
            git stash drop
    elif [ "$response" = "5" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] remove all of the stored items"
        git stash list
        git stash clear
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
elif [ "$choice" = "9" ]; then
    echo -e "9.git branch"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo -e "1.git branch                       -list your available branches"
    echo -e "2.git branch branchname            -create a new branch"
    echo -e "3.git branch -v                    -see the last commit on each branch"
    echo -e "4.git branch -d branchname         -delete a branch"
    echo -e "5.git push remote-name :branchname -delete a remote branch"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3,4,5]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] list your available branches"
        git branch
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] create a new branch"
        git branch
        read -p "Please type branchname:" PARAM
        git branch $PARAM
        git branch
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] see the last commit on each branch"
        git branch -v
    elif [ "$response" = "4" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] delete a branch"
        git branch
        read -p "Please type branchname:" PARAM
        git branch -d $PARAM
        git branch
    elif [ "$response" = "5" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] delete a remote branch"
        git remote
        read -p "Please type branchname:" PARAM
        git push remote-name :$PARAM
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
elif [ "$choice" = "c" ] || [ "$choice" = "C" ]; then
    echo -e "c.git checkout"
    git branch
    read -p "Please type branchname:" PARAM
    git checkout $PARAM
elif [ "$choice" = "m" ] || [ "$choice" = "M" ]; then
    echo -e "m.git merge"
    git branch
    read -p "Please type branchname:" PARAM
    git merge $PARAM
elif [ "$choice" = "t" ] || [ "$choice" = "T" ]; then
    echo -e "t.git tag"
    git log --oneline --decorate --graph
    read -p "Please type version (v1.0):" PARAM
    read -p "Please type a tag message:" PARAM1
    git tag -a $PARAM -m "$PARAM1"
    #tag a released commit 558151a
    #git tag -a v0.9 558151a
elif [ "$choice" = "r" ] || [ "$choice" = "R" ]; then
    echo -e "r.git remote"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo -e "1.git remote           -list your remote aliases"
    echo -e "2.git remote add       -add a new remote repo"
    echo -e "3.git remote -v        -see the actual URL on each alias"
    echo -e "4.git remote rm        -removing an existing remote alias"
    echo -e "5.git remote rename [old-alias] [new-alias] -rename remote aliases"
    echo -e "6.git remote set-url   -update an existing remote URL"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3,4,5,6]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] list your remote aliases"
        git remote
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] add a new remote repo of your project"
        git remote
        read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
        read -p "Please type url:" PARAM1
        git remote add $PARAM $PARAM1
        git remote -v
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] see the actual URL for each alias"
        git remote -v
    elif [ "$response" = "4" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] removing an existing remote alias"
        git remote -v
        read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
        git remote rm $PARAM
        git remote -v
    elif [ "$response" = "5" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] rename remote aliases"
        git remote -v
        read -p "Please type old-alias:" PARAM
        read -p "Please type new-alias:" PARAM1
        git remote rename $PARAM $PARAM1
    elif [ "$response" = "6" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] update an existing remote URL"
        git remote -v
        read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
        read -p "Please type url:" PARAM1
        git remote set-url $PARAM $PARAM1
        git remote -v
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
elif [ "$choice" = "f" ] || [ "$choice" = "F" ]; then
    echo -e "f.get fetch, pull"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo -e "1.git fetch    -download new branches and data from a remote repo"
    echo -e "2.git merge    -merge a branch context into your current one"
    echo -e "3.git pull     -fetch from remote repo and merge into current branch"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] download new branches and data from a remote repo"
        git remote -v
        read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git fetch origin
            git fetch $PARAM
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] merge a branch context into your current one"
        git remote -v
        git branch -v
        read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git log origin/master ^master
            git merge origin/master
            read -p "Please type branch:" PARAM1
            git log $PARAM/$PARAM1 ^$PARAM1
            git merge $PARAM/$PARAM1
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] fetch from a remote repo and try to merge into the current branch"
        git remote -v
        git branch -v
        read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git pull origin master
            read -p "Please type branch:" PARAM1
            git pull $PARAM $PARAM1
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
elif [ "$choice" = "p" ] || [ "$choice" = "P" ]; then
    echo -e "p.git push [alias] [branch]"
    git remote -v
    git branch -v
    read -p "Please type alias:" PARAM
    if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
        git push origin master
        read -p "Please type branch:" PARAM1
        git push $PARAM $PARAM1
elif [ "$choice" = "l" ] || [ "$choice" = "L" ]; then
    echo -e "l.git log"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo -e "1.git log --author  -look for only commits from a specific author"
    echo -e "2.git log --since --before    -filter commits by date committed"
    echo -e "3.git log --grep    -filter commits by commit message"
    echo -e "4.git log -S        -filter by introduced diff"
    echo -e "5.git log -p        -show patch introduced at each commit"
    echo -e "6.git log --stat    -show diffstat of changes introduced at each commit"
    echo -e "7.git log --oneline -shorthand for --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"
    echo -e "8.git log --no-merges  -remove merge commits"
    echo -e "9.git log -[number]    -limit the results to the last [number] commits"
    echo -e "a.git log --all-match  -will logically AND all arguments"
    echo -e "f.git log --format     -format the results"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,f]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] look for only commits from a specific author"
        read -p "Please type author:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git log --oneline -5
            git log --author="$PARAM" --oneline
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] filter commits by date committed"
        echo -e "--since --before"
        echo -e "--after --before"
        echo -e "--after --until"
        read -p "Please type since date:" PARAM
        read -p "Please type before date:" PARAM1
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            if [ -z "$PARAM1" ]; then
                git log --oneline -5
                git log --before={$PARAM1} --oneline
            if [ -z "$PARAM1" ]; then
                git log --after={$PARAM} --oneline
                git log --after={$PARAM} --before={$PARAM1} --oneline
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] filter commits by commit message"
        read -p "Please type para:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git log --oneline -5
            git log --grep="$PARAM" --oneline
    elif [ "$response" = "4" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] filter by introduced diff"
        read -p "Please type para:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git log --oneline -5
            git log -S"$PARAM" --oneline
    elif [ "$response" = "5" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] show patch introduced at each commit"
        git log -p -2
    elif [ "$response" = "6" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] show diffstat of changes introduced at each commit"
        git log --stat -5
    elif [ "$response" = "7" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] shorthand for --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"
        git log --oneline -5
    elif [ "$response" = "8" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] remove merge commits"
        git log --no-merges -5
    elif [ "$response" = "9" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] limit the results to the last [number] commits"
        read -p "Please type number:" PARAM
        if [ -z "$PARAM" ]; then
            git log --oneline -5
            git log -$PARAM --oneline
    elif [ "$response" = "a" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] will logically AND all arguments"
        read -p "Please type para:" PARAM
        read -p "Please type author:" PARAM1
        git log --grep="$PARAM" --author="$PARAM1" --format="%h %an %s"
    elif [ "$response" = "f" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] format the results"
        git log --format="%h %an %s" -5
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
elif [ "$choice" = "d" ] || [ "$choice" = "D" ]; then
    echo -e "d.git diff"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo -e "1.git diff          -show diff of unstaged changes"
    echo -e "2.git diff --cached -show diff of staged changes"
    echo -e "3.git diff HEAD     -show diff of all staged or unstaged changes"
    echo -e "4.git diff --stat   -show summary of changes instead of a full diff"
    echo -e "5.git diff version  -see what changed since the last release"
    echo -e "6.git diff master...branchname  -see what is on branch compared to master"
    read -n1 -p "Your choice:[1,2,3,4,5,6]:" response
    if [ "$response" = "1" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] show diff of unstaged changes"
        git status -s
        git diff
    elif [ "$response" = "2" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] show diff of staged changes"
        git status -s
        git diff --cached
    elif [ "$response" = "3" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] show diff of all staged or unstaged changes"
        git diff HEAD
    elif [ "$response" = "4" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] show summary of changes instead of a full diff"
        git status -s
        git diff --stat
        git diff --cached --stat
        git diff HEAD --stat
    elif [ "$response" = "5" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] see what changed since the last release"
        git log --oneline --decorate --all
        read -p "Please type tag:" PARAM
        if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
            git diff $PARAM --stat
            git diff $PARAM
            echo -e "[WARNING] tag is required!"
    elif [ "$response" = "6" ]; then
        echo -e "[INFO] see what is on branch compared to master"
        git branch
        read -p "Please type branch:" PARAM
        if [ -n "$PARAM" ]; then
            #git diff master...$PARAM --stat
            git diff --stat $(git merge-base master $PARAM) $PARAM
            echo -e "[WARNING] branch is required!"
        echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
    echo -e "[WARNING] Invalid choice!"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

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